Tanning: How Sun Tan is Harmful to Skin?

 People have so many questions in mind about tanning. To get beautiful tanned skin, they strive to sit under the sun for more than an hour.

However, they’re not aware of the fact that tanning can have harmful consequences. In this blog, we’ll give you a complete insight into tanning and how much dangerous it is for your beautiful skin.

Tanning: Short Overview

In short, tanning is an indication of skin damage. The “glow” of a tan is quite opposite of healthy skin. Tanning harms your skin cells and shows the visible signs of aging. Isn’t it bad for you?

Well, that is the reason why people are opting for natural looking spray tan over sun tan.

Causes of Tanning

Tanning is mainly caused by extreme exposure to UV rays coming from the sun or tanning beds that result in genetic damage to cells on your skin’s outmost layer. The skin then tries to stop more injury by making more melanin that causes darkening, which is known as a tan.

This damage is increasing, beginning from the very first tan.

How Tan Can Harm Your Skin?

Here are a couple of ways tan can harm your skin:

·       Tanning transforms and ages your skin.

·       It shows the signs of damage that increase the appearance of dark spots, wrinkles, and weathered skin.

·       If the chances of skin cancer increase, you face the risk further, sometimes it causes some changes to your appearance.

How to Protect Yourself and Look Good?

The tanning is bad. And you can’t afford to skip the skincare routine. Here are a few ways you can protect your skin:

·       Avoid Tanning Completely: It’s a great idea to safeguard against unsightly skin damage by using the right sunscreen.

·       Consider Spray Tan: If you want a deep golden glow, consider sun kissed tan in NYC. There are certain options that can provide you with a bronzed look, but you still need sun protection!

·       Hydrate, Eat Great: Drink a good amount of water and eat healthy. 

Hope you have now understood the harmful effects of tan that are caused due to UV rays. If you follow the right tips, your skin will surely thank you!


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