What is Spray Tan and How is it Beneficial for Your Skin?


We understand it that summery glow makes us feel cheerful, fit, and healthy. Of course, we all know that lying in the sun or in a tanning bed is not healthy for the skin.

So, spray tans are a blessing, right?

And that's true: spray tans are certainly the safer option when it comes to tanning.

However, this does not mean that spray tanning is completely risk-free. Risks of inhalation, skin allergies, and an absence of medical research all indicate that you should continue with caution.

How do spray tans work?

Dihydroxyacetone, or DHA for short, is the active ingredient in natural looking spray tan and other sunless tanning products. It is basically a sugar compound.

A spray tan is temporary. The reason behind this is that DHA only affects the topmost skin layer. Your skin will shed and then, exfoliate continuously, replacing the outer cells weekly which is quite normal. Your tan will fade as those cells fall off. This is why your spray tan just lasts 5-10 days.  

When DHA is applied to your skin, it takes 2-4 hours for tanning to start, and it can last for up to 24 to 72 hours. Because of the chemical reaction between DHA and your skin cells, the more DHA you apply to your skin, the darker your tan will seem.

How spray tanning is great for the skin?

The most significant advantage of a Spray Tan in NYC is that it can provide you with a golden glow without exposing you to skin-damaging, cancer-causing UV or UVA radiation. Getting a spray tan is simple and quick. You can get the accurate glow you had in mind, thanks to custom formulations developed for your specific skin tone.

Just keep in mind this: Regardless of how dark your spray tan is, it doesn’t give complete protection from sunburn. You still have to apply a 30 SPF broad-spectrum sunscreen, around 15 minutes prior to you going outdoors, with a reapplication around every two hours, to help overcome the side effects of UV radiation.


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